Quality Exquisite French Bulldog puppies

Hobby breeder specializing in Color & Standard Quality French Bulldogs. Only the best companions for families and top of the line French Bulldog puppies! Established in 1991, our kennel is dedicated to breeding quality French Bulldogs. Since 2005 our kennel have name "From Burgess's House". We offer elite, happy, healthy, wrinkly and stocky puppies. We are proud to produce French Bulldog bitch-multi champion of several countries. Quality above Quantity! 

Healthy Life Choice.

My personal choice was DO NOT give monthly Heartworm preventative to ANY of my dogs/puppies. During 28 years of being with frenchies, NONE of them was ever diagnosed with Heartworm. Our adults had their blood test done and all came "negative" every time. Do you searches, educated yourself and DO NOT poison your dog.

If you've been worried about the toxins in the heartworm pills you give your dog every month, you've come to the right place. Especially since heartworms are becoming more and more resistant to those meds every year, which means the meds are becoming less and less effective.

But there's a new test that FINALLY makes it possible to skip the meds altogether ... and the best part is, it could be a much safer alternative to heartworm meds.
 So check out your free guide now, learn how to replace the meds with this new test and stop fearing heartworm:
Enjoy your guide - I know you'll put it to good use.
 All the best to you and your dog!

Trifexis flea and heartworm pill blamed for 700 dog deaths. The popular and widely distributed flea and heartworm pill, Trifexis, is being linked to 700 dog deaths and an estimated 30,000 illnesses. http://www.examiner.com/article/trifexis-flea-and-heartworm-pill-blamed-for-700-dog-deaths

 Dr. Jeffrey Levy, DVM on Heartworms  http://www.homeovet.net/content/lifestyle/section4.html
The Whole Story About Heartworm (much of which you may not be told otherwise) http://www.sotcdogtraining.com/pdf/heartworm.pdf
Eliminate fleas without poison your dog http://wolfcreekranch1.tripod.com/diatomaceous_earth.html
Combat Canine Fleas and Ticks with Herbs and Essential Oils http://www.holistichealthtools.com/fleas.html
Is There a Safer Heartworm Preventive?

There are only a few areas in the U.S. where giving a nine month to year-round heartworm preventive might be advisable – those areas are in south Texas, south Florida, and a few other locations along the Gulf coast. The rest of the U.S. ranges from three to seven months of high exposure risk. The majority of states are at six months or less.

I recommend you talk to a holistic vet in your area to understand your dog's actual risk of exposure to infected mosquitoes. A local holistic practitioner will be able to guide you in determining:

  • The risk of heartworm disease in your area
  • Potential side effects of chemical preventive drugs
  • Alternatives to these products that can be used alone or in conjunction with them
  • Detox agents to help your dog's body recover, if necessary

Keeping your pet's immune system in excellent shape provides a foundation of good health, including the ability to avoid or successfully fight off parasitic invaders.

Feed a balanced, species-appropriate diet. The healthier your dog is, the less attractive he'll be to all types of pests and parasites, and the better able his immune system will be to fight off invaders. Parasites are more attracted to weak animals.

And speaking of keeping immune system healthy, take care not to allow your pet to be overloaded with toxins through unnecessary vaccinations and repeated courses of antibiotic or steroid therapy – two of the most overprescribed drugs in veterinary medicine


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