Quality Exquisite French Bulldog puppies

Hobby breeder specializing in Color & Standard Quality French Bulldogs. Only the best companions for families and top of the line French Bulldog puppies! Established in 1991, our kennel is dedicated to breeding quality French Bulldogs. Since 2005 our kennel have name "From Burgess's House". We offer elite, happy, healthy, wrinkly and stocky puppies. We are proud to produce French Bulldog bitch-multi champion of several countries. Quality above Quantity! 

Vaccine Damage
In a loving memory of Cody...
Dr. Becker: Are Vaccinations Necessary for Pets?
The Truth About Pet Vaccines
Dr. Karen Becker and Dr. Ronald Schultz on Pet Vaccines
I have decide to open this page when after vaccination I lost a 7 weeks old puppy, who developed very severe reaction in about a week after vaccination-the heart breaking tragedy which will be always in my heart and to share with all of you my own experience about early and yearly vaccination. This page did not follow a goal to make you to stop vaccinate your pet and was opened only for general education and information.
I (we) myself did not vaccinate any our adult dog after one year old of age, but we do make them to have 3 puppy shots and one after their teething is over-around 1 y.o.
Our "Vaccine Schedule" :
1st shot Distemper/Parvo-6-8 weeks
2nd shot 4 weeks later
3rd shot 4 weeks later.
4th shot-given sometime after 6 months of age (usually at 1 year 4 mo) will provide lifetime immunity.
Do Distemper and Parvo-all other vaccines, except Rabies, I cannot recommend, period. If it would not a state law, most likely I would not do Rabies as well, as my dogs do not interact with any outsiders.
We do not do Leptospirosis and Corona vaccine, as well as Bordatella.
Not only are annual boosters for parvo and distemper unnecessary, they subject the pet to potential risks of allergic reactions and immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia.
We would only give a rabies vaccination after the pup was finished teething and NOT BEFORE THAT. We NEVER give yearly vaccination. They serve one function and that’s to enrich Vets. Good health doesn’t come in the form of an injection; it’s from a strong immune system, clean air, exercise and appropriate raw food.
I (we) do it for over 20 years and we reccomend  by own example the same to our friends...My parent's oldest female is 13.5 years old now, another 8 years old and the last time when they had their shots-they were one year old...You do your own re-search, read articles, talk to people, to vets, to this ones who experiensed in having bad vaccine reaction-and only after it you decide yourself-do you want or not yearly vaccinations for your pet. 
All articles and information was taken from searching engenes of Internet.
An Institutionalised Crime
Bordetella Vaccination for Dogs: Fraud and Fallacy
Vaccine Damage Article – Dogs Today
By Catherine O’Driscoll
Vaccinations in Veterinary Medicine: Dogs and Cats: Vaccinosis
Vaccination Side Effects in Pets
Canine Epilepsy
Puppy Shots and Dog Vaccinations
Vaccination in Animals

For many years veterinarians have been recommending yearly vaccinations for our beloved pets claiming without these yearly boosters our pets will not be protected from disease. In my research I have found this to be true since the 1950’s. Over the years many veterinarians were suspicious that the vaccines used were giving much longer periods of protection than one year. They new this because they never saw distemper, hepatitis or provirus disease in dogs that had been vaccinated for many years. Many veterinarians tend to think they are undercharging for complex surgery and subsidize those procedures with the money they earn on yearly vaccinations. No one knows how this practice came about but it has existed since the 1950’s.
Manufactures also gave an incentive to veterinarians and still do, to sell more vaccine if boosters were recommended annually as well as a one-year mind set among the bureaucrats that staff the USDA Center for Veterinary Biologics that dictate vaccination protocols. These are the same deep thinkers that put a two-year expiration date on a vial of water.  Our veterinarians also get the same incentive protocol  when recommending the foods they sell.
Do the math; veterinarians have clients coming into their practice every day for boosters; if we stopped doing yearly boosters It would cut their income more than half.  It would decrease the side effects; remember the immune system of your pet is stressed by these vaccinations. "Dogs develop allergic
reactions, facial edema, enteritis, lethargy, fevers, pruritis, nausea, coughing, seizures". It is also suspected that vaccinations can trigger certain autoimmune diseases such as
Addison’s disease in dogs. Many times these reactions are life threatening. Vaccines contain many ingredients besides the dried virus. Some of these, antibiotics and adjutants (enhancers) are implicated in vaccine reactions.
Approximately 1% of dogs adverse reactions are reported yearly; this being low because many veterinarians do not report them to the proper authorities and find excuse after excuse to convince the pet owners that the reaction is not caused by the booster. Reason being they know most pet owners will make the decision to STOP these yearly boosters. As humans we vaccinate our children but after our series of boosters we do not need more yearly boosters throughout our lives.  This is true for our pets also but if our veterinarians were honest with us it would cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars
in booster costs. Yes vaccinations cause reactions and diseases in our pets; if we did not vaccinate yearly there would be less medical problems and no need for additional vet visits aside from their yearly check ups and unexpected emergency care.  
Several years ago I myself had brought two of my puppies to my vet for booster shots; right in front of my vet both puppies started to shake, shiver, foam from the mouth and collapse. The reaction happen just minutes after they were vaccinated and my vet shrugged it off and refused to fill out the proper forms and send them to let the proper authorities to let them know both puppies had sever reactions to the vaccination. Needless to say that was the last time I ever used his practice and started my research on Vaccine Reactions.
Since our horrible experience I have stopped vaccinating my Pugs; aside from my Sierra having
Psychomotor Seizures and Camara who in 3 years has had 2 Partial or Focal Seizures (Petite Mal) all 14 of my Pugs are in excellent health.

      Additional information I feel the public should know.
Do you know that a 1 cc vial of vaccine for a 150 lb Rotty is the same 1 c.c vial of vaccine for an 18 lb pug and the same for a two pound puppy. Yes its true; there are no measured amounts. This protocol has always been disturbing to me; no one has ever given me a solid explanation that makes me feel comfortable giving my toy puppy the same amount of serum in their vaccination that any vet would give someone's 150 dog.

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