Quality Exquisite French Bulldog puppies

Hobby breeder specializing in Color & Standard Quality French Bulldogs. Only the best companions for families and top of the line French Bulldog puppies! Established in 1991, our kennel is dedicated to breeding quality French Bulldogs. Since 2005 our kennel have name "From Burgess's House". We offer elite, happy, healthy, wrinkly and stocky puppies. We are proud to produce French Bulldog bitch-multi champion of several countries. Quality above Quantity! 

Why is my young dog’s nose turning from black to pink? Should I be concerned?

Many dogs experience depigmentation of the nose, which is when the nose turns from black to pink. This can happen for a number of reasons, many of which are harmless. But because this problem can be confused with many different conditions, a veterinary consultation is highly recommended.

They include:

* "Winter, or Snow, Nose."

Some dogs' noses have a decrease in the black pigment in the winter, due to seasonal changes. Complete loss of pigmentation is not seen and the color darkens again in spring and summer.

It occurs in Siberian huskies, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and Bernese mountain dogs. Though some people have tried sun lamps to counteract this, the change appears to be related to temperature more than sunlight. This is harmless.

* Nasal depigmentation. (This is also called "Dudley Nose.")

For no apparent reason, some breeds lose the black pigment in their nose and it can turn pink or even white permanently.

It's been reported in Afghan Hounds, Samoyeds, White German shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Poodles, Doberman Pinschers, Irish Setters, and Pointers. A few patients recover spontaneously - for others it will come and go, sometimes seasonally.

This does not appear to be dangerous either.

* A contact allergy.

Your dog may be allergic to his rubber or plastic bowls. Try changing them to ceramic or metal.
*Coat Shine
½ cup Vinegar to a quart of water sprayed onto the coat of a dog works like a vinegar hair rinse. Their coats gleam! An extremely economical alternative to expensive show shine products.
* Dandruff
Vinegar is poured into the hair, massaged into the scalp, and left to dry for a few minutes. Then the hair is washed. The process is repeated daily until the dandruff disappears, usually within a few days.
*Dry Skin
A simple way to treat dry skin is to add a complete oil to your pet's diet. Corn, safflower, peanut, and sunflower are examples of oils that contain all the essential fatty acids. Your cat can take about one-half teaspoon with each meal. Dogs can be given one to three teaspoons with each meal, depending on size. But remember that more is not better since oils are quite fattening.
*Dry Skin Shampoo
Several people have reported using this with great success on dogs with dry, scratchy skin and for other skin problems that required frequent baths.
1/3 Cup Glycerin
1 Cup Lemon Liquid Joy
1 Cup White Vinegar
1 Quart of Water
Mix in a bottle or an old large shampoo bottle. If you make up the solution in advance, be sure to shake it up before use to make sure the glycerine is mixed thoroughly.

*Chewing Gum
For gum stuck just on top of the coat, use ice cubes to freeze it first, then you can either break it off, or lift it off gently. If the gum has been rubbed right in, a good solvent will remove it better than anything. Peanut butter works for this rather well.
For gum stuck in the hairs between his toes, it is best to just cut it off carefully, and keep those hairs trimmed to avoid further mishaps.


This is a skin condition that causes dogs to lose their pigmentation. It is generally not concentrated only on the nose - you should see patches of white fur or skin elsewhere on your dog as well. Vitiligo is common in certain breeds like Rottweilers and Labs, but doesn't appear to affect the dog's general health.


This is an immune-mediated skin disorder, where the immune system is reacting inappropriately, similar to an allergy. With pemphigus, you will see other blisters, pustules, or crusty areas on your dog's face and ears. See your veterinarian because Pemphigus is a treatable condition.

* Discoid lupus is another immune-mediated skin disease.

You'll see sores or a change in the texture of your dog's nose. The symptoms will appear to worsen with exposure to UV light.

*Idiopathic, or unknown cause.

This is mainly seen in Newfoundlands, and often involves depigmentation of the lips and eyelids also.

*Some skin cancers involving the nose can cause depigmentation.

Go to the vet immediately if:

Examine your dog's face and body, and take him to the vet right away if you note any of these symptoms:
Other whitening of the skin or fur
Discoloration of the mouth or any other tissue.
Change in texture
Always consult with your vet to rule out anything serious and to discuss whether your dog may need sun protection - his newly pink nose may burn more easily in the sun.
*What are ear mites?

Ear mites can affect a dog at any age, however they're more common in puppies because puppies haven't built up immunity to them. Ear mites are tiny crab-like parasites that live in the ear canals, and sometimes on the body, of dogs. They feed on earwax and other secretions in the ear canal. They rarely bite but they can cause a severe inflammation in affected dog's ears. Excessive shaking of the head or scratching of the ears or an odor coming from your puppy's ears may be signs that ear mites have moved into his ear canal. You can check for ear mites by looking inside your puppy's ear. If you see a thick crusty substance that looks similar to ground coffee this is usually a sign that ear mites are there.

Treating ear mites
Ear mites are one of the most common causes of canine ear troubles and can be persistent, however they're easy to diagnose and you can treat them at home. If you suspect your puppy is suffering from ear mites visit your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will check to make sure your puppy's ear irritation is a result of ear mites and not an infection of some kind. Because the signs indicating ear mites are similar to other ear problems it's important to check with your veterinarian. If you misdiagnosed your puppy's problem and treated an infection with ear mite medication it could make the infection worse. Your veterinarian will clean out your puppy's ears and prescribe anti-mite eardrops. It usually takes 4-6 weeks of treatment to get rid of the mites. Once treatment starts the mites may decide to move somewhere else on your puppy's body, usually to the base of his tail. To prevent this use a flea powder or spray on your puppy's whole body at the same time treatment of his ears is going on. Ear mites are very contagious and can be passed from any furry animal to your puppy. Because of this it's necessary to treat all furry animals that share a home with the affected puppy.
This recipe for ear clear and it worked like a charm.

You can buy boric acid at Walmart, Rite Aid or any Grocery store (usually on the laundry isle) and gentian violet on-line or at some Walgreens stores. You could easily cut the amounts hear in to 1/4th of this amount.
16 oz bottle of Isopropyl Alcohol (standard 70%) ( Anywhere)
4 Tablespoons of Boric Acid Powder (Grocery Store)
16 Drops of Gentian Violet Solution 1% (Walgreens)
Boric Acid is a very mild acid used as an antiseptic or insecticide. Gentian violet is an anti-fungal and alcohol, of course, cleanses and dries.
This recipe could be a lifesaver for your dog.   
Taken from Internet.
Ear Mites Treatment #2 Taken from Internet.
An oil and vitamin E mixture can help to smother the little buggers that have taken up residence in your pet's ears. Blend one-half ounce of almond or olive oil and 400 I.U. of vitamin E (from a capsule) in a dropper bottle and then warm the mixture to body temperature by immersing it in hot water.
To administer the drops, hold your pet's ear flap up and put about half a dropper-ful in the ear. Then massage the ear canal well enough so that you hear a fluid sound. Once you've massaged the area for about a minute, you can let your pet shake her head. After she's finished, gently clean out just the opening of the ear with a cotton swab to remove any extra oil or debris. You should apply the oil in three treatments, once every other day during a six day period. Make sure to store the mixture at room temperature with the lid tightly capped
*Cherry eye

related terms: cherry eye, eversion or inversion of third eyelid cartilage, prolapse of nictitating membrane

*What is the third eyelid?

The third eyelid is a triangular shaped structure in the inner corners of your dog's eyes that you may notice sometimes partly covers the eye. It consists of a t-shaped cartilage to provide support, and a tear gland. The third eyelid is important in protection of the surface of the eye, and in tear production. It is also called the nictitating membrane (or membrana nictitans) and haw.
A prolapse of the gland or "cherry eye" occurs when the base of the gland (embedded in the cartilage) flips up and is seen above and behind the border of the third eyelid. The prolapsed gland becomes swollen and inflamed. The condition frequently occurs in both eyes and is most common in young dogs of the breeds listed below.
Eversion of the cartilage appears as a scroll-like curling of the cartilage, usually in an outward direction, although inward curling also occurs (inversion of the cartilage). It is most common in young large breed dogs.
Another condition of the third eyelid is atypical pannus. This occurs in German shepherds.
How are abnormalities of the third eyelid inherited?

It has not been proven that this condition is inherited, but dogs of the breeds listed below are predisposed.

What breeds are affected by abnormalities of the third eyelid?

prolapsed gland of the third eyelid: Basset hound, Beagle, Bloodhound, Boston Terrier, Boxer, French Bulldogs, English bulldog, Shar-Pei, Cocker Spaniel, Lhasa Apso, Newfoundland, Shih tzu, Saint Bernard

eversion of the cartilage of the third eyelid: German short-haired pointer, Irish setter, Newfoundland, Saint Bernard, and Weimaraner

For many breeds and many disorders, the studies to determine the mode of inheritance or the frequency in the breed have not been carried out, or are inconclusive. We have listed breeds for which there is a consensus among those investigating in this field and among veterinary practitioners, that the condition is significant in this breed.

What do abnormalities of the third eyelid mean to your dog & you?

Both conditions cause chronic irritation of the conjunctiva and cornea, and if untreated, can lead to keratoconjunctivitis sicca.

How are these conditions diagnosed?

Both conditions generally occur in younger dogs and are readily diagnosed from the appearance of the eye. In cherry eye, the glandular tissue protruding behind the third eyelid may be markedly swollen and inflamed. It must be distinguished from a tumour of the third eyelid, which is rare.

How are these conditions treated?

prolapsed gland: The gland and cartilage are anchored surgically in the proper position. Sometimes the prolapse recurs. The gland itself must not be removed, as inadequate tear production will result causing keratoconjunctivitis sicca.

eversion of cartilage: The abnormal folded cartilage is removed surgically.

Dry Nose:

French Bulldog noses may be dry, crusty, or flakey. Put some vaseline or petroleum jelly on the nose 2 or 3 times a day to restore a crusty nose and a couple of times a week to prevent it. The dog will try and lick the petroleum jelly off but enough will soak in to soften the nose again. In severe cases petroleum jelly the nose up to 6 times a day - you'll be surprised at how quickly the nose recovers.

1/8 of a tablet of zinc (human dose- over the counter) once a day will clear up any nasty crusty residue. This will work faster using Vaseline or other lubricant.

Very important that nails are kept short either through regular road walking or clipping. Nails that are left to grow too long are uncomfortable for the dog and it may be painful for him to walk. Be aware that cutting long front nails may encourage interdigital cysts as the pressure on the feet is altered.

Dew claws that are left to grow may grow back into the leg of the dog or may catch in things and be ripped out.

Be careful not to cut through the quick of the nail (the pink part), this area is especially hard to see if the nails are black. Cutting through the quick will bleed heavily but looks worse than it is and will stop although will be painful for the dog and will be sore for a while aftewards.

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